Whether virtually, in-person, or a hybrid model, school has started throughout the country, or is about to start in the next few days. Because of the covid-19 pandemic, many children are learning at home this year, taught by parents or in “learning pods” with nearby families. If you’re a parent homeschooling for the first time, what do you give your children to read? Workbooks are no fun!
If you’re looking for new books, the annual Skipping Stones Honor Awards list is a great source for books at all levels that can be used across the curriculum. The Multicultural and International Books present diverse cultures within the United States and Canada as well as stories set all over the world, past and present. Many are presented in bilingual format. They’re perfect for literature, history, geography, and language classes. Skipping Stones also recommends Nature and Ecology Books that make science fun, offer healthy choices, and help young people become better stewards of the environment. Teaching Resources help teachers and parents to develop units and use a variety of books and other activities with kids.
As you select books from this list, you can sign up for a subscription to Skipping Stones magazine. It’s published quarterly with articles on topics related to geography, culture, and nature as well as reviews of new books and teaching resources. Skipping Stones publishes artwork and articles written by children and teens and every year has a contest for young writers. There aren’t a lot of venues devoted to young people’s creative work, and Skipping Stones is one of the best opportunities for those hoping to see their work in print and online. For more information about Skipping Stones, reviews of this year’s Honor Awards, and a list of past winners, visit www.SkippingStones.org.

Multicultural and International Books:
Language Together Spanish for Kids: Story-based Learning, Set 2. www.languagetogether.com. Ages 3-8.
Ojiichan’s Gift by Chieri Uegaki & Genevieve Simms. Kids Can Press. Ages 3-7.
Mango Moon (Also available in Spanish) by Diane de Anda, illus. Sue Cornelison. Albert Whitman. Ages 5-8.
Mother of Many by Pamela M. Tuck, illustr.Tiffani J. Smith. Mascot Books. Ages 5-8.
Alitaptap: A Philippine Myth of the Fireflyby Mylene Leumin, illustr. Stephanie Richoll. talesofpotos.com. Ages 5-10.
Welcome to Jazz: A Swing-Along Celebration of America’s Music by Carolyn Sloan, illus. Jessica Gibson. Workman Publishing. Ages 4-8.
Hildegard of Bingen: Scientist, Composer, Healer & Saintby Demi. Wisdom Tales. Ages 6-10.
Okinawan Princess: Da Legend of Hajichi Tattoos. (Bilingual Japanese & Okinawan) by Lee Tonouchi, illus. Laura Kina. Bess Press. Ages 6-10.
Cooking Class Global Feast! 44 Recipes that Celebrate the World’s Culturesby Deanna F. Cook. Storey.com. Ages 7-11.
The City of Light by Aimee Ginsburg Bikel, illus. Noah Phillips. Mandel Vilar Press. Ages 9-16.
Jimena Pérez puede volar/Jimena Pérez Can Flyby Jorge Argueta. Arte Público Press. Ages 9-13.
Who Got Game?: Baseball: Amazing but True Stories!by Derrick Barnes, illus. J. Bajet. Workman. Ages 8-12.
Tree of Dreams, Laura Resau. Scholastic Press. Ages 8-14.
The Garden, by Meghan Ferrari. Red Deer Press. Ages 10-15.
The Everything I Have Lost, by Sylvia Zéleny. Cinco Puntos Press. Ages 12-16.
Unbullied! 14 Techniques to Silence the Critics, externally & internally by Kalyani Pardeshi. www.kalyanispeaks.com. Ages 12-17.
What the Eagle Sees: Indigenous Stories of Rebellion and Renewal by Eldon Yellowhorn & Kathy Lowinger. Annick Press. Ages 11-18.
Indigo Girl, by Suzanne Kamata. GemmaMedia. Ages 11-16.
Immigration Nation: The American Identity in the 21st Centuryby Judy Dodge Cummings. Nomad. Ages 12-15.
A Time to Run: Stuart & Sam, by Lorna Schultz Nicholson. Clockwise Press. Ages 13-17.
American Heroes: Fascinating Facts and Inspiring Voicesby Martin Feess. iUniverse. Ages 11-18.
Nature and Ecology Books:
Outback: The Amazing Animals of Australiaby Dan Kainen and Ella Morton. Workman Publishing. All ages.
Join the No-Plastic Challenge! A First Book of Reducing Waste by Scot Ritchie. Kids Can Press. Ages 4-7.
A Voice for the Spirit Bears! How One Boy Inspired Millions to Save a Rare Animalby Carmen Oliver and Katy Dockrill. Kids Can Press. Ages 6-9.
Hawks Kettle, Puffins Wheel: And Other Poems of Birds in Flight by Susan Vande Griek & Mark Hoffmann. Kids Can Press. Ages 6-9.
Earthwaves by Michael Smith, illus. Gayle Garner Roski. East-West Discovery Press. Ages 7-11.
Put On Your Owl Eyes: Mapping,Tracking & Journaling Activitiesby Devin Franklin. Storey Publishing. Ages 8-13.
Just A Kid, by Rie Charles. Red Deer Press. Ages 9-12.
Something is Bugging Samantha Hansen by Nancy Viau. Schiffer Kids. Ages 9-13.
The Raptors of North America: A Coloring Book of Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, and Owlsby Anne Price, illus. Donald Malick. UNMpress.com. Ages 9-14.
The Science of Weather and Climate by Julie Danneberg. Nomad Press. Ages 12-15.
How to be a Conscious Eater: Making Food Choices That Are Good for You, Others and the Planetby Sophie Egan. Workman Publishing. Ages 10 and up.
Natural Encounters: Biking, Hiking, and Birding Through the Seasonsby Bruce M. Beehler. Yale Univ. Press. Ages 13-adult.
Teaching Resources:
The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution: 100 Ways to Build a Fossil-Free Future, Raise Empowered Kids, and Still Get a Good Night’s Sleepby Mary DeMocker. New World Library. All educators.
How to Raise a Reader by Pamela Paul & Maria Russo. Workman Publishing. All educators.
The Incarceration of Japanese Americans in the 1940s: Literature for the High School Classroom by Rachel Endo. www.NCTE.org. High School grades.
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